Posted On: 23-Apr-2024 08:54:44 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

future technology

Something that has not been built that i want to see is flying cars. I am pretty sure they are already working on it but i want to see a flying car. Flying cars could help with reducing traffic. Instead of being on the group were a bunch of people are. You could be in the sky and looking at it from the top. This is also easier than paying a lot for an airplane, especially if its only like 30 mins on an airplane and you're paying so much. Also when you get there you don't need to pay for Uber's or rides because you will already have your car. Wheels now and days are very expensive and we now wont have to pay for them. Flying cars could really bring down traffic and so now there is two ways to get to a destination. This could really help our community in many ways. 


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