Posted On: 24-Apr-2024 02:42:05 Posted In: Food / Burgers
Posted By: zdelgado

Make believe

Through a series of events the nation of Frog was an independent nation with the right to self determination. Although at one point many of their people were a part of the empire of Hamburger, also now an independent country (although its territory is much smaller than it was in the days of its empire), they now see themselves as Frogs (the terms for people of the nation of Frog) through and through. Many still speak the language of Hamburger and hold onto many of the cultural customs, and their new national identity as Frogs still has many elements of the Hamburgers, but they identify as Frogs. In the year 13,578 in the month of Mustard, the ruling body of hamburger declared that the nation of Frog should again be a part of Hamburger and included a 323 page document describing the shared history and culture of Frog and Hamburger as evidence. The people of Frog vehemently rejected this document and proposal to reincorporate Frog back into the state of Hamburger. 


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