Posted On: 25-Apr-2024 05:42:11 Posted In: Pets / Cats
Posted By: nuggetlover09


I personally really like having cts as a pet instead of dogs, even though Ive only ever had dogs before. Cats are really fluffy and cute, and they know when to chill, while dogs are more energetic and not aware of personal space. Although sometimes cats just plop themselves on top of you randomly or get in the way of work, they are so adorable and can come in so many different kinds. I personally prefer small fluffy ones I can carry in my hands and cuddle with, since I tend to lose my energy really quick. I also would prefer something quiet I can relax with while doing work or playing games. I would also like to dress up my cat, although nothing crazy like whole dresses or outfits. Maybe just a small bow or necklace so I can pretend its a magical cat or something like that. I would also prefer a ginger cat or something similar, because to me, ginger cats look cuter.


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