Posted On: 25-Apr-2024 05:47:12 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: im_team10

What i am doing this weekend

Hi, so today i am going to be talking about my plans for this week. Today Thursday April 25 i am going to my friend Zoe's house and i am going to have a sleepover with her, Gaby, Maya, and Natalie. I am going to her today today at 4:30pm and we are going to eat food and go get baskets for our big sisters. Then we are going to sleep over and do school together for awhile, eat more food then go to the fair at 6:00pm. We are going to be there for awhile and they are going to get on rides and stuff. Well actually i am not going to get on rides because carnival rides actually make me so sick. Even just thinking about it makes me so sick. I just like seeing all the people and walking around. I didn't even think the carnival was that big of a thing until so many people were telling me that they were going. Then after the carnival i am going to ask if we could stop at the frozen yogurt because i have been really badly wanting some. Then i haven't asked yet but she has to take me home. Then i go home. 


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