Posted On: 25-Apr-2024 11:33:17 Posted In: Business / Elon Musk
Posted By: bug-a-boo

What I would want to be invented

What is an invention I would want to be real? Well that question is easy. I would like to invent a fire blaster. I know that doesn’t sound useful but in my opinion, it would to be good to have around. For example, let’s say that you got lost somewhere and didn’t have any service on your phone. If a fire blaster existed, all you have to do is shoot it in the air until someone sees it and comes to rescue you from wherever you are. I personally think that inventing a fire blaster would be good. And I know what some of you guys are thinking. “What if someone decides to use it in a bad way?” Well, obviously you are going to need a license which is going to take some time to get. Think of it as a drivers license but a little more difficult. That‘s it.


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