Posted On: 26-Apr-2024 04:07:13 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Anonymous

Future microwave

A technology that would be cool to be made is a microwave that instantly makes food. For example, let’s say you want Taco Bell but don’t want to leave your house, you can heat up the Taco Bell food packet, put the certain amount of time it says like probably 2 minutes, and when it’s done you will have your Taco Bell meal. I think the idea is pretty good but I doubt it will be made anytime soon because there’s no way that'll be possible for the food to literally make itself in a microwave. But the concept is great and it will probably be sold for a $400 microwave that can make food. I think this was shown on a show or a movie and they had just put in a packet and put it for 1 minute and their hamburger was made. It would probably be called “Food readied” or something like that.


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