Posted On: 26-Apr-2024 04:13:46 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: HunnyBunch

My Weekend

This week I’m actually excited because I’m going to be doing some more quince stuff. I think I’m actually going to be excited for the next few weeks up until July. My friend and I are both having quince‘s and hers is two weeks after mine. With both of us having our quince’s just two weeks away, we already started doing our own practices and planning our parties. I’m practicing mine while also going to her practice because I’m going to be in her court. Anyways, this week on Saturday my friend is taking all the damas to get our dresses and chose them. Then on Sunday I have my own quince practice for me, which I usually am always excited for. The next few weeks will be continuous fun though because I’ll be going to two practices a week, one for her and one for me, and I just love seeing all my friends and being together for like 2 hours since we don’t see each other as often anymore. 


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