Posted On: 26-Apr-2024 06:18:15 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: avalenzuela

what i’m going to do this weekend

I’m going to do a lot this weekend. So on friday i’m going to stay home and do homework from school then my sister has a softball game at 4 so i’ll be at the park till 6 pm and after that grab some dinner with family. Saturday i mite go to the fair by my school and hangout with friends, get on rides and eat at the food vendors and that’s basically what i’m going to do Saturday. So for Sunday i have 2 softball games in the morning then my sister has 1 at night so i’ll be at the softball fields for the whole day and after that me and my family will grab some dinner or something. I wish i had like an actual day off where i can like go to knotts or like six flags with friends and that would have been more fun. So that’s basically my three day weekend.


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