Posted On: 26-Apr-2024 07:20:44 Posted In: Life Experiences / Life Experiences
Posted By: GaliTomato7

Weekend 4/20

I had a busy weekend last week. For the Onward Scholars program, we have one Scholar Saturday every year. I had the last Scholar Saturday of the year last week. It was also class specific so I was only with the Freshmen this time. We went to the Junior Achievement Facility and underwent a simulation that taught us how to budget properly and when to use a credit card or your checking account. After that, my mom picked me up and we went to the Dollar Tree. I got an embroidery kit for Girl Scouts and finished it on Sunday. When we left the store, we stopped at my house for a few minutes. We then went to a party and didn't get home until 11:30 PM. On Sunday, I woke up early to go to mass in the morning. We went to Walmart after and got some things for my grandma who got surgery recently. We went to visit her after and I did all my homework when I got back home.


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