Posted On: 26-Apr-2024 09:48:09 Posted In: Life Experiences / Life
Posted By: 2hot.kfc

My weekend

This weekend im gonna go with my boyfriend to eat sushi and walk around downtown then ill go to his house and watch movies. Were gonna do face masks and ima trim his eyebrows. Saturday I’m gonna go with my grandma to my tia’s house. We might go to a family party with my cousins. It’s gonna be lame because theres not much to do at those parties, it’s mainly for the adults and the other kids lame or act like they grown. Then ill sleepover at my cousins house, and we might go swimming or do a little vlog. We’ll probably watch movies and bake. Sunday I’ll leave to my house then ill probably go out with my boyfriend again or go shopping with my grandma at the montebello mall. I also need to study for my Ap final because the test is coming up and I want to get at least a 3 on the exam. 


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