Posted On: 29-Apr-2024 05:01:43 Posted In: Gossip / gossip
Posted By: Ramos

My Weekend

This weekend was really fun. I enjoyed spending time with my family. On Saturday I went to a baptism party and had an amazing time, my friend slept over my house and we watched movies and ate pizza and popcorn. After Saturday was over, it came Sunday. Sunday is where everything kinda went down hill. I lost a family member from my second family and it was heart breaking. I cried all day and night I was really hurt by what had happened. Thankfully I had family and friend for me there and that’s all I could be grateful for. sometimes I wish I could go back and change things for say my last words to them but that’s not possible unfortunately. Even though Sunday was really hard I still got through it and it’s going to continue being hard but Ik my second family is strong enough to get through it.


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