Posted On: 29-Apr-2024 06:50:31 Posted In: Other / Other
Posted By: victoria

Plans to end school year strong

Plans to end school year strong 

Get good grades and try harder next year. I only have two bad grade on in algebra and computer science. Dr better watch out cause hes gonna get hurt. I honestly think class is jsut broning and have better things to do and learn about. Like why can't we actaully leanr something use=ful. And i dont need to come to school and can complete everything online like on friday with all the assiagnments that were psted i finsied them in 3 hours like why do i have to wasted 8 hours, cause my parents to drive and pay more money for eduction at school when i can stay home after 3 hours i have the rest of the day to relax and get other things done like clean and stuff. Its just very confussing like its called being self tought.


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