Posted On: 29-Apr-2024 07:00:56 Posted In: Education / Study
Posted By: arecur103

plans to finish the school year strong.

My plans to end this school year good is to stay on track of my work. Stay motivated no matter is we have couple weeks left. Ask questions on work, be consitent with everything. Try to avoid drama so you can focus. My plans is too have my time manage weekly. At least do some homework at school so i can have the afternoon free. Instead of doing everything couple hours before due date which can lead you nowhere good. Do everything at once to get over with. Or talk with your teacher to ask for an extention date with a reasoning you couldn't turn it on time. Communication is a key for everything during school or in the real world. Teachers take consideration about others. Be respected to staffs so you can recieved the same respect back


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