Posted On: 29-Apr-2024 07:44:35 Posted In: My Stories / Slice of Life i guess?
Posted By: Isabella Lopez

What I did this weekend

This weekend it began with an online day and I had a dinner reservation with me and my mentor and it was at a place located in Downtown and it was called Le Peitie Paris. That day on Friday is when I was rushed to make sure I had completed my work online and make sure that I had at least done most of it because in most of my classes they were making most of my assignments due at 3 pm. This weekend after I went to go eat dinner I fell asleep and did not do that much work for my classes but that led to what I did Saturday I in fact did not do any work and went to the fair and enjoyed my day catching up with people I haven't seen since elementary school and since I haven't seen them in a while they were like I haven't seen you in forever and on Sunday I did something similar and went to the fair again and won a plushie boba. 


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